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Management of Severe Defects Utilizing Osteowrap


Dr. Ahmed Mataria, DDS

Management of Severe Defects Utilizing Osteowrap

Management of sever buccal bone defects without primary closure. 

"Managing large defects with Osteowrap is a newer simpler and faster way compared to any other product on the market. Osteowrap’s ability to be easily trimmed and shaped allows it to be stabilized with either fixation screws or sutures; avoiding the need for PRIMARY CLOSURE is its best attraction since tissue growth over it is unparalleled. In immediate extraction sockets , it can be tunneled to avoid flapping. It’s an allograft material that will replace any membrane and avoid the need for re-entry."

 - Dr. Ahmed Mataria

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Dr. Ahmed Mataria, DDS

Dr. Mataria received his dental degree from the University of Detroit Mercy in 2009. He established multiple practices in the Chicago area that focus on providing excellent care to his patients. His practice became focused around implant reconstruction and regenerative dentistry.

He has attended numerous continuing education courses and fellowships including multiple hands on courses in the Dominican Republic. Dr. Mataria has expanded his practices from Chicago to Los Angeles. He currently limits his practice to implant dentistry, focusing on complicated cases from referrals and managing failed implants. He is an advocate of holistic implant dentistry by using metal-free implants. He has advanced training in vertical augmention, soft tissue grafting, full arch restorations with immediate loading, LAPIP, P.E.T and PRF.

Dr Mataria currently serves as a clinical instructor for Trinon college. He specializes in teaching implant placement, sinus lifts, and full arch restorations, all while providing mentorship to his student doctors throughout their educational journey. Dr. Mataria believes that we experience fear when we lack proper knowledge, but through education and practice, we can accomplish anything. Dr Mataria placed thousands of implants throughout his career and currently spends his time between attending continuing education courses, teaching both hands on and lecturing to practicing dentists while enjoying his private practice between Los Angeles and Chicago. 

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